Support the Library

There are many ways to support the Kent District Library and our mission to further all people.

Featured Fundraising Initiative

Your year-end contribution will help us reach or beat the goal of establishing the fund and empower more individuals to achieve their dreams.

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Ways To Give

1. Donate

A gift to our library helps us provide library material, service and programming needs that rise above millage funding. Unrestricted gifts allow the library to direct funds where they are most needed. You may also direct your gift toward a specific branch.

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2. Company Match

Your gift could be matched by your employer! Check with your HR department to see if your company has a matching gift program. It’s a simple way to increase the impact of your contribution. 

3. Be a Sponsor

Sponsoring a program, an item on the wish list of one of our branches, or an event gives you or your business a unique opportunity for charitable giving and gets your name in front of thousands in our community. Contact us at or (616) 784-2007 for current sponsorship opportunities.

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4. Volunteer

KDL volunteers bring Information, Ideas, and Excitement to everything we do. As a volunteer, YOU connect KDL to COMMUNITY! Volunteers grow support for the importance of libraries! Learn more about our current volunteer opportunities.

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