The 2024 winners have been announced!
Grab your smartphones and cameras and get ready for our KDL Teen Photo Challenge. Compose your best snapshots of subjects that fall into three categories — Exploration of Texture, Household Objects and Beautiful Decay — and enter for a chance to win a Meijer gift card. You may enter any or all three categories, starting October 7th.
Exploration of Texture
Textures are details that visually describe how something physically feels.
Household Objects
What do you have around your house? A toaster? An end table? A faucet? Make one of the items in your house the focus of your photo!
Beautiful Decay
Can you find the beauty in something dying and decomposing? Or an item breaking down? It might be a dried-out flower, a broken-down barn or even some roadkill near your house. Use your photo skills to celebrate this part of the circle of life.
Photos may not contain human subjects. All photos must be taken on or after October 1, 2024.
Judges reserve the right to recategorize any submission if deemed necessary.
Previous Entries (2023)
Start taking photos
Sunday, Oct. 1, 2024
Contest opens
Monday, Oct. 7, 2024
Contest closes
Monday, Oct. 14, 2024, 11:59 PM
Public vote opens
Monday, Oct. 21, 2024, 1:00 PM
The link to the public vote becomes operational at 1 PM on Oct. 21. All entries are combined into one pool for the public vote. To vote, log into your Submittable account. You may only vote once during the voting period.
Public vote closes
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024, 1:00 PM
Photo challenge winners and popular vote winners announced
Friday, Oct. 25, 2024
Winners announced on the KDL Blog.
- Challenge is open to teens in grades 6-12 who are residents of Kent County, Michigan or attend a school in Kent County.
- Participant may submit one photo per category.
- Photos must be original works of participant. No logos/watermarks.
- Online submissions only. No hard photos accepted.
- JPG files only.
- Kent District Library reserves the non-exclusive right to use submitted photos at our discretion. By entering the contest, you understand that your photo may be used to promote and publicize future library programs.
- Photos may not contain human subjects.
- We will have awards in all three categories and public voting. There will be two winners in each category and two winners of the public vote, for a total of up to eight winners.