Meet the Board of Trustees
The Kent District Library Board of Trustees is composed of eight members representing geographic regions of the KDL Service Area. Trustees must live in the region they represent. Board members are appointed for four-year terms by the Kent County Board of Commissioners based on recommendations from the eight regions. For more information, including an application form, please see the Kent County website, opens a new window.
The KDL Board meets monthly. Major duties include establishing and maintaining a public library for Kent District Library, establishing library policies, employing the Library Director, adopting an annual budget, and approving the expenditure of funds.

Tracy Chrenka
Vice Chair
Term Ends: 12/31/2026
Region 1: Nelson, Oakfield, Spencer and Tyrone Townships

Andrew Erlewein
Term ends: 12/31/2027
Region 2: City of Rockford; Algoma, Cannon, Courtland and Grattan Townships

Carla Moyer Hotz
Term ends: 12/31/2026
Region 5: City of East Grand Rapids; Ada, Cascade and Grand Rapids Townships

Amanda Schrauben
Term ends: 12/31/2025
Region 4: City of Lowell; Bowne, Lowell and Vergennes Townships

Christina Tazelaar
Term ends: 12/31/2027
Region 6: City of Kentwood; Caledonia and Gaines Townships

Norma VerHeulen
Term ends: 12/31/2028
Region 3: City of Walker; Alpine and Plainfield Townships