Meet the Leadership Team

Meet the Leadership Team

Lance Werner

Executive Director

Board of Trustees relations, Leadership Team, legislative relations and fund development.

  • Best Part of Working for KDL: My favorite part of working at KDL involves the joy that KDL brings to the lives of Kent County residents. We make a difference in thousands of lives every day, and as a result, the world is a better place.
  • Most Used KDL Resource/Service: I love our ebook collection! It is so convenient and easy to use. I also appreciate the depth of it. I can take KDL with me anywhere in the world. I spend a lot of time in the woods and on the water and KDL is always with me.
  • KDL Home Branch: As a Rockford resident, my home branch is the Krause Memorial Library, but I love all of the KDL branches and the people that work there.

Jaci Cooper

Director of Projects and Planning

Project Management office (KDL's portfolio of projects and methodologies), strategic planning, key performance indicators, process improvements, internal communication, management meetings.

  • Best Part of Working for KDL: The culture! Everyone who works in the library is moved by the mission and passionate about the services the library offers. That enthusiastic energy makes for a really special culture and a great place to be every day.
  • Most Used KDL Resource/Service: hoopla! Instant audiobooks, music and eBooks! I love to listen to audiobooks while walking my dog and doing home projects.
  • KDL Home Branch: Plainfield Township. I started my KDL career at the Cascade Township Branch, though!

Jennifer DeVault

Director of Library Operations

Branch operations, patron services (call center), collection development and collection services.

  • Best Part of Working for KDL: The best part of working for KDL is the people. The staff at KDL love our communities, patrons and their coworkers. It’s my honor to get to work with and represent all our staff at KDL.
  • Most Used KDL Resource/Service: I use hoopla and Libby the most to stream audio books while I’m driving around Kent County between the branches. I also really love hard cover books and read a lot when I’m on vacation.
  • KDL Home Branch: Caledonia Township and Alto. Both branches are close to where I live, but I frequent all of them often. (I’m like a parent to the branches and love them all equally.)

Randall Goble

Director of Engagement

Marketing Communications (website, advertising, media/public relations, social media and printing), Programming (events/programs and performer management) and Community Engagement (outreach, bookmobile, workforce development).

  • Best Part of Working for KDL: The best part of working at KDL is the opportunity to have a positive impact on individuals and the community. Everyone at KDL is so passionate about all of us as a community.
  • Most Used KDL Resource/Service: In-person programs are one of the things I most enjoy, particularly the ones with discussion of current affairs, authors and live music. These are also great opportunities to meet people with similar interests.
  • KDL Home Branch: I live almost equidistant between the Cascade Township Branch and the Amy Van Andel Library in Ada. I frequent both locations, but Cascade Township is home.

Brian Mortimore

Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development

Recruiting, training, payroll, benefits, labor agreement and retirement plan administration.

  • Best Part of Working for KDL: For me, the best part has been being a part of an organization that continues its never-ending journey to be an employer of choice. Having our staff rank us as one of the Best and Brightest Places to Work For has been validating and reinforces the work we do to have our team members feel valued and know they are making a positive difference in their community and inspires us to continue to grow and evolve.
  • Most Used KDL Resource/Service: Our family enjoys the endless selection of reading material, and when our kids were younger, we loved the programs our amazing staff lead for children and parents.
  • KDL Home Branch: Krause Memorial Library in Rockford.

Kurt Stevens

Director of Information Technology

Information technology & Esports strategy, materials handling technology efficiencies, network infrastructure, staff and patron computers & printers, help desk, phones, application and security software systems.

  • Best Part of Working for KDL: The best part of working for KDL is helping to enable all the leading-edge ideas, services and programs that KDL offers to our community. Growing Esports, one of KDL's newest services, is an enjoyable and rewarding way to serve our patrons. Plus, working with the Collection Services Team and the Branch Leadership to improve the speed and accuracy of managing our floating collection ensures that every patron has access to the materials they want.
  • Most Used KDL Resource/Service: Streaming services from books to music.  KDL has something for everyone who is on the go.
  • KDL Home Branch: Grandville.
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