Announcing Kanopy’s New Feature: Tickets!

Calling all film lovers! Starting November 1, Kanopy will be switching from play credits to tickets. KDL patrons will be given 30 tickets per month instead of 10 play credits. With this update, you can easily see the number of tickets required and viewing period for each film next to the play button. This change will not affect Kanopy Kids, which will continue to offer unlimited streaming access to kid-friendly content. 

If you haven't tried Kanopy, now is a great time to check it out. Kanopy is a streaming collection of high-quality films that inspire, educate and entertain. Kanopy’s unique selection offers something for everyone, from award winning indie films to important and timely documentaries, to foreign films, popular cinema, children’s shows and more with the ease of watching on TV and a wide range of other types of devices.