Community Spotlight: Puertas Abiertas

By Julieta Tornes, Programming Manager, Puertas Abiertas

My name is Julieta Tornes, and my roots trace back to the picturesque coastal town of Cruz Grande in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. I was raised in the vibrant city of Acapulco, and I am the proud mother of five children—two daughters and three sons. Alongside my loving family, I share my home with two indulged dogs and a cat, and I have the honor of being the elder sister to my two brothers.

Serving on Puertas Abiertas’ team has been a life-changing experience for me. It has illuminated the incredible impact when an entire community unites, working alongside dedicated leaders and organizations to effect meaningful change. From being a client almost five years ago to now serving as a Program Manager, I've witnessed the transformative power of Puertas Abiertas firsthand.

Remarkable success stories abound within our organization, each contributing to the well-being of numerous families, encompassing individuals of varying ages and circumstances. At Puertas Abiertas, we highly regard each client's uniqueness, striving to empower Latina women to make healthy choices and live free from violence. Our comprehensive programs span support groups, individual therapy, English classes, GED, Zumba, workshops and Advocacy, where every family in need is provided with a dedicated Advocate to facilitate connections with essential resources.

KDL has been an indispensable ally to Puertas Abiertas, extending invaluable resources to our families, including literacy classes tailored to clients whose first language is not English. This partnership culminates in professional opportunities for our clients, providing internships within KDL's administrative facilities. Beyond the literary offerings, KDL libraries stand as sanctuaries for our community, particularly those who have endured the scourge of domestic violence in an unfamiliar land. I extend my deepest gratitude to KDL for their inclusive embrace of our Latino community and for embracing the mission of Puertas Abiertas.

As we honor Hispanic Heritage Month, I take immense pride in celebrating my first language, Spanish. My mother, hailing from an indigenous heritage, spoke Tlapaneco in her childhood, a language that, unfortunately, I did not have the chance to learn. However, my journey to the United States allowed me to immerse myself in the myriad cultures, languages and flavors abundant within the Latin community. To me, commemorating Latino heritage entails cherishing, learning and savoring the richness inherent in each Latino culture. It means relishing new Latino dishes, participating in Latino events, engaging in discussions about our Latino cultures and sharing laughter and wisdom with my Latino brothers and sisters within our community. Above all, it entails fostering a deep appreciation for the distinctiveness and significance of each individual. ¡Vivan los Latinos que son parte fundamental de los Estados Unidos!