Expand Your Mind: The Joy of Reading Across Genres

By Josh Mosey | Digital Marketing Strategist

Think about the books you read. Do they mostly fall into a single genre? Are there genres of books you’ve never tried before? Wander around the library and you’ll see sections for Fiction, Nonfiction, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Horror, Inspirational and more. Can you honestly say that you’ve read something from each section of the library?

Granted, not every book or genre may be your cup of tea. Even so, reading outside your comfort zone can strengthen your empathy muscles, both toward readers who enjoy those books or genres and toward the characters and situations discussed therein. You might even discover that you like the new genre and wonder why you have never read it before.

Studies show that reading different kinds of books is good for you. One study found that reading stories helps you understand what other people are thinking and feeling. This is called “theory of mind,” and it’s important for getting along with others.

Another study found that reading different types of books can help you learn more about yourself and others. Reading from various genres can also make your brain more flexible. This means you can think about things in new ways and solve problems better.

So, even if it’s tempting to stick to the books and genres you know, trying new ones can be really rewarding. Whether it’s understanding people better, thinking more creatively or just finding a new favorite book, reading widely is a great habit to have.


Kidd, D. C., & Castano, E. (2013). Reading literary fiction improves theory of mind. Science, 342(6156), 377-380.

Fialho, O. (2019). Transformative reading: The role of genre and narrative engagement. Journal of Literary Theory, 13(1), 45-67.

Kuijpers, M. M., et al. (2020). Paths to transformation across contemporary reading practices: The role of motivations and genre preferences. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.