From Designer to Tour Guide: Exploring the Heart of Kent District Library

By Brad Baker, Creative Services Coordinator

When asked, "So, what do you do?" while playing sand volleyball next to the Kentwood (Richard L. Root) Branch on a sweltering Sunday afternoon this summer, I replied, "I’m the designer for Kent District Library." 

Nicole, one of the players, lit up. "Oh, really? My 11-year-old wants to be a librarian," she said with a smile. 

At that moment, I knew it wasn’t a matter of if Nicole and her daughter would visit the KDL Service & Meeting Center—it was a matter of when. 

Soon enough, we scheduled a time for Nicole and her daughter Kai to come by, and the visit was wonderful. I had the chance to walk them through the behind-the-scenes workings of our library system and explain how we keep our 20 branches and our Bookmobile running smoothly. I shared insights on how the Collections Team curates and routes materials, how HR staffs our branches, how Patron Services assists our callers and how Finance ensures everything stays operational. Everyone plays a crucial role in making the library a vibrant resource for Kent County. 

Naturally, no tour would be complete without a visit to the Bookmobile! 

For a young person like Kai, curious about the world of libraries, it was a valuable experience to see what goes on behind the scenes. When I first started as the KDL Graphic Designer back in late summer 2018, I was amazed by all the intricate processes that make a library function, and I knew Kai would find it just as fascinating. I was right!

Brad kindly gave my daughter and I a tour of the KDL service and meeting center. It was a delightful and captivating experience. We were able to learn about all of the “behind the scenes” employees, as well as their responsibilities. I returned from the tour with a deeper understanding of the passion each employee shares with our county. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity as an adult. I also love that my daughter’s dream to be a future librarian was both nurtured and celebrated before, during and after the tour. My love for our library system has grown even more. ~Nicole 

 It was cool to see everything the employees did at their building to make the libraries accessible to all. I liked learning how the employees plan and prepare the activities for all the branches. I also liked seeing the art and design of the library materials. I never thought of all the work it takes to make a library so exciting. I loved meeting Curi. Touring the Book Mobile was amazing as well! One day I would love to be a librarian and help with everything I learned about. ~ Kai (age 11… almost 12)