Get to Know KDL: Lisa from Comstock Park

Meet Lisa! She has worked at the Comstock Park Branch for just over a year. She is a Branch Librarian with a focus on youth services.  She has really enjoyed getting to meet families at Storytime this summer.

Let's get to know Lisa a little bit better. 

The best book I have ever read...

This is a question with a constantly changing answer.  Had you asked the 11-year-old Lisa she would have said Murder on Ice: a Nancy Drew Case File #3.  Recently, I finished Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston and that is a current favorite.

If I had a day all to myself...

I would spend my time drinking coffee, eating popcorn, reading middle grade realistic fiction and hoping someone else was cooking me a delicious meal.

A talent I really wish I had is...

Whistling.  It seems the more I try to whistle, the less successful I am.  There are many times whistling along to a song is just the right thing.

The best trip I have ever taken.... 

Was to Kodiak, Alaska.  I accepted a teaching job there after finishing college and my parents decided to drive with me from central Indiana.  We caravanned with two cars up through Canada, into Alaska and onto a ferry to my new island home.  The trip was for sure memorable and ended at my picturesque new town of Kodiak. And yes, the winter days were dark, but the summer was stupendous!

Three things I couldn’t live without are…

Lakes, books and piles of colored ink pens.

If I ever wrote a memoir, it would be called...

With Great Enthusiasm and Optimism, She Wrote an Impossible To-Do List