Shannon is a youth parapro at our Krause Memorial Branch. She is helpful, kind, fun and presents awesome storytimes! Let's get to know her a little better.
The best book I have ever read is...
The Princess Bride. It is also my favorite movie. I saw the movie first and when I realized there was a book I was immediately drawn to the library to find it. I love that it gives so much more information than the movie and makes me love the characters even more!
If I had a day all to myself, I would spend my time...
Playing with my dog, Buffy (the Kibble Slayer) and binge watching Veronica Mars (again).
The best advice I have ever received is...
Happiness comes in moments. If you constantly spend your time trying to reach the destination of happiness, you will miss all the happy moments along the way.
The talent I really wish I had is...
Public speaking. Sure, I can read a goofy book or dance like a fool in front of a room of children, but put me in front of adults and it is like I want to be swallowed by the earth. It took me years to get over the fact that parents were in the room with children at storytime. I would love to be able to be more involved outside of the branch, but speaking in front of my peers is the worst ever! I just have so much respect for the other youth people at KDL that I can’t imagine I have much to say that they don’t already know.
The best trip I have ever taken was...
Disney World! I know it’s cliché, but I love it there. I went there on my honeymoon, on my 5 year anniversary, and on my 10 year anniversary (only took the kids on the last one)! I can’t believe how lucky I have been to be able to go as often as I have.
Something people would be surprised to find out about me is...
I think the Beatles are overrated. I mean, I like some of their songs, but I am surprised by the pedestal they are placed on by so many.
When I was a child, I wanted to grow up to be...
A school bus driver. When I was in elementary school, I thought it was the coolest job ever. Now, I think it might be one of the most difficult!
If I ever wrote a book, it would be called...
Wow, This Chick is Boring!
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