Starting out as a circulation assistant at Dakota County Library in Minnesota, Tammy quickly caught the library bug and began working toward her MLIS. She then went on to work at Hamline University Library, Novi Public Library, and Milford Public Library before landing a job at KDL as a youth librarian, for which she led preschool storytimes and also wrangled plenty of teens.
These days, Tammy works as a collection development librarian at Kent District Library - Service and Meeting Center, helping to curate the giant, ever-evolving collection that we offer to our patrons; some of the items from which surprise even Tammy.
“It makes me sound like a dinosaur, but when I began my career, eBooks and eAudio weren’t even a thing. I certainly never thought we would be offering things like GoPros and kayaks! And an awesome Kent District Library Bookmobile!”
And while the snazzy new items being added to our collection are certainly exciting, it’s the people that’s kept Tammy here all of these years.
“KDL has the most creative, gifted staff ever, and I have always been proud to be a part of that. I also like that our leadership is very forward-thinking, and we are always encouraged to be innovative and color outside of the lines.”
Going forward, Tammy hopes that KDL continues to be committed to early literacy and continuing education and tearing down barriers to library services for everyone.
“I love that we are taking steps to make sure we offer services and materials that encourage equity, diversity and inclusion. More than anything, I hope we are the best we can be at inspiring the love of reading in everyone, especially kids and teens.”
Thanks for making KDL awesome, Tammy. And congrats on 20 years!
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