Letter From Lance: Make Time to Read

I’m a huge fan of something that John Wooden, famed coach of the UCLA Bruins, said:

“Be true to yourself. Make each day your masterpiece. Help others. Drink deeply from good books. Make friendship a fine art. Build a shelter against a rainy day.”

Each of these little sentences epitomizes what the library is and what we strive to accomplish. Will you join us this summer in drinking deeply from good books? Sign up for our Summer Wonder program to grow, experience, learn and read! People of all ages can join in on the fun. Read on the beach, in a hammock or on a bench in the park. Read in the comfort of your air-conditioned home or library. Read in bed. Read in the car by listening to an audiobook. Just make sure to read.

Not sure what to read? Our CORE Collections are a great place to start! These 100-book collections consist of titles at least one year old that are close to the hearts of KDL librarians and patrons alike. Our adult collection has been around since last spring, and now we have new CORE Collections for kids and teens. These collections are available at all 20 of our branches.

I want to wish each of you a fun and fulfilling summer. Please make sure to come and visit us. The library is
always a great place to be, but summer is probably the most exciting time of all!

Lance Werner
Executive Director