By Bernie, KDL Patron
We like to make sure we do educational activities in the summer and keep the kids reading. The library provides lots of great opportunities for us! One day Zeke asked if most of the KDL libraries were the size of the Gaines Twp. or Byron Twp. Branches, and I didn't know. So we decided to find out together.
We visited all 20 KDL branches. Along the way, we learned how the libraries are all different sizes, how they're all different from each other and that they all share books.
We were surprised how far away some of the branches were, how big and spread out the Ada branch is, and by the big fish tanks in a couple branches.
Naomi's favorite branch is Ada because of the chairs, the view and how relaxing it is. Ebenezer's favorite thing is the programs, especially the exotic animals. Zeke loves "The books, Mom. I love the books. All the books." He also really liked Magician Tom Plunkard.
Bernie and her husband, Tim, live in Byron Center with their three kids, Naomi (9), Zeke (9) and Ebenezer (5). They have a dog Lane; he's Zeke's autism service dog. They attend Calvary Church, and the kids all go to Countryside Elementary. Some things they like to do together are play games, go on walks, and read books.
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