Stump the Librarian: Jill Vs. The Volcano

Join Jill and Liz of KDL’s Stump the Librarian Podcast as they tackle questions from YOU, the listener
. This week, join us to see if your hobbies are right up the alley with ours. We also talk about how libraries get their money, and why you can borrow everything for free. Then things get stinky as we talk about how volcanoes work and different types of volcanoes. We have some great science book recommendations and facts for you too. 

Join our librarians every other Wednesday as they try to answer your inquisitive questions and see if it’s possible to stump a librarian!  Do you have a burning question? Submit it at, opens a new window They would love to hear what questions are on your mind! Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast via, opens a new window or wherever you prefer to listen, so you never miss an episode. 

As always, we invite you to learn more about any of these topics by checking out our databases or our library catalog. Just go to, opens a new window to find the best database for more information on the answer to your question. And don’t forget the books! Our catalog is full of amazing books that are filled with fascinating information. Just visit, opens a new window to search for your next great nonfiction (or fiction) read! 

Check out the books we referenced in this week’s episode: 

Atlas of Dogs
Little Monarchs