Popular Materials Collection
KDL focuses largely on materials that will be checked out frequently by patrons, usually for leisure reading but also for information needs, practical skills and hobbies.
A key part of meeting the needs of our patrons is ensuring that their diverse informational needs are met. Our collections tend to be as diverse as our patrons, offering a broad range of interests, backgrounds and viewpoints.
Read more about the importance of Intellectual Freedom.
Recommend a Purchase
Excited to read a book we don’t have? Tell us about it!
Tip: Suggestions are more likely to be purchased if they meet most of the following criteria:
- Published within the last two years
- Well-reviewed by both professional and popular reviewers
- Appealing
- Popular
- New - KDL does not purchase or accept used materials
- Available for purchase in the United States
- Accurate
- Cost-effective - durable with a reasonable cost per use

The Value of Intellectual Freedom
At Kent District Library, we provide equal access to all library resources within the guidelines of Michigan law and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. In our commitment to Intellectual Freedom, we recognize that some materials in our collection may be deemed controversial or unpopular and may not represent our Mission and Values.
Patrons are free to select or reject items for themselves but may not make that decision for others. We encourage parents to be active participants in helping their children select library resources. KDL staff members are happy to assist parents in finding information on the content of their selections.
KDL purchases materials from a wide variety of viewpoints and value systems and makes these materials available to guests regardless of age. No patron will agree with all materials in the collection, but a patron's right to read, seek information and speak freely is important to our democratic society and allows individuals to learn from one another.
Our Commitment to Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Kent District Library is committed to the lifelong journey of anti-racism work. The public library will always stand as an institution of enlightenment and a hub of the community, serving and including everyone, no matter their race, religion or sexual orientation. We exist to further all people. We do so because our differences make us a stronger society.

Questions or Concerns?
Do you have a question or concern about the collection? Your feedback is important to us as we evaluate the best materials for our collection.
- Phone: 616-784-2007
- Email: contact@kdl.org
Request to Reconsider Materials
KDL responds to requests for reconsideration of library materials from residents of the KDL service area in writing. Requestors must have read, heard or viewed the entire work to have their challenge considered. To submit a request for reconsideration, use the Citizen's Request for Reconsideration form.