All data on this page is reported as of November 2021. For detailed data, see KDL Policies and Publications.
Annual Return on Investment
When you check out materials from the library instead of purchasing them, you save money. Your savings is even greater when you use public library computers, WiFi, databases (such as LinkedIn Learning, Rosetta Stone, etc.) in-person programs, virtual programs and outreach visits.
$727Per person who checked out physical materials1 |
$563Per person who checked out digital materials1 |
$1,290Per person who checked out physical and digital materials1 |
Items Available for Patrons to Checkout
728,161Physical items2 |
185,815OverDrive digital items2 |
14,094,482Hoopla and Freegal digital items2 |
4,507,712Physical Items1 |
1,554,470Digital Items1 |
92,836Talking Book and Braille Center1 |
Use of Public Technology Inside the Library
658,611Wifi logins1 |
99,646Public computer logins1 |
Visitors and Cardholders
1,340,022Visitors1 |
124,408Cardholders2 |
18,055New cardholders1 |
1,906In-person programs1 |
39,930Attendees1 |
970Online programs1 |
214,205Online views1 |
Programs and events provided outside of the library
825Events1 |
65,656Attendees1 |
Followers and Subscribers
63,759Social media followers2 |
136,636eNewsletter subscribers2 |
- Based upon 2021 year-to-date data.
- Snapshot data from November 30, 2021.