Kent District Library Receives MLA’s Intellectual Freedom Award

Kent District Library is pleased to announce that it has received the 2024 Intellectual Freedom Award, presented by the Michigan Library Association. Established in 2023, the MLA Intellectual Freedom Award recognizes a library for the Board’s and Staff’s outstanding work to protect and promote the principles of intellectual freedom and the right to read.

"We are so honored to win this award, a recognition that underscores our unwavering commitment to protecting the rights of all individuals to access information freely,” said Executive Director Lance Werner. “This award is a testament to the hard work of our staff, Board and community in fostering an inclusive environment where knowledge and ideas can flourish without barriers." 

KDL was recognized for its efforts to mitigate intellectual freedom threats by sharing factual information, adopting clear collection development policies, providing training and advocacy for other libraries, and establishing strong relationships with local leaders, media contacts and other professionals.

With book bans on the rise and more and more libraries experiencing pressure to give in to some of the loudest voices in the conversation, Werner has made a point to provide training and support to other library directors both at the local and national level. Werner focuses on the importance of equipping other library partners to handle the many nuanced facets of intellectual freedom, the first amendment and how to engage with local officials. Throughout 2023, he gave talks sponsored by the Michigan Library Association, Urban Libraries Council, Global Library Organization, STEM Education, Library Journal and School Library Journal, just to name a few, and is involved in OCLC and EveryLibrary. Through these talks, Kent District Library participates in the library community and creates community resilience.

This award was open to libraries in Michigan who have demonstrated a commitment to protecting the right to read, opposed censorship, educated their community on First Amendment rights and/or developed and shared policies and procedures to assist other Michigan libraries with materials challenges and censorship issues.

Representatives of KDL received the award at the MLA Conference in Traverse City on October 16.

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