Get to Know KDL: Yuko from the Service Center

Yuko is the Cataloging Paraprofessional at KDL, and she does an awesome job of maintaining our bibliographic records. Let's get to know Yuko a little bit better.

My hero is....
Ludwig van Beethoven.

If I had a day all to myself, I would spend my time...
Binge watching British TV shows while cuddling with my cat.

The best trip I have ever taken was to...
Europe with my friend for 40 days.

If I could meet one person, dead or alive, I would choose...

Something people would be surprised to find out about me is that...
I played a base guitar and drums in an all-girls rock band while I was in university and was a professional dancer after graduation.

When I was a child, I wanted to grow up to be...
A computer programmer (because I was a big fan of the computer programmer Annabelle Hurst in TV series "Department S") or a tennis player (because I was a big fan of a tennis manga "Smash o Kimero!") or a stewardess of Japan Air Line (because I was a big fan of TV series "Attention Please!")

Three things I couldn't live without are...
My kids, music and cats.