Bookmobile Events
The KDL Bookmobile delivers information, ideas and excitement
The KDL Bookmobile brings library services to patrons in far away or underserved communities, supports access to a wide variety of community resources and builds meaningful relationships that foster love for literacy and lifelong learning.
Meet the Community Engagement Librarians Behind the Bookmobile

Craig Buno
Community Engagement Manager

Caleb Perkins
Community Engagement Librarian

Emily Moss
Community Engagement Librarian

Hannah Lewis
Community Engagement Librarian

Hannah Moulds
Community Engagement Librarian
Bookmobile services
KDL Bookmobile patrons receive the same amazing service they have come to expect at KDL, including the ability to ask reference questions, request materials and apply for a library card.
- Education: Storytimes, book talks, introduction to research databases, institutional and classroom library cards, etc.
- Senior services: Large-print collection, troubleshooting with technology, etc.
- Community stops: KDL Free library giveaways, information and referral to community resources, specialized programing, programs in the park, etc.
- Remote or underserved locations: Pick up materials that have been placed on hold, return checked-out materials, access to technology and Wi-Fi service, etc.
- Multilingual and new American services: Introduction to library services, language learning databases, bilingual staff, etc.
What a Bookmobile Visit to a Preschool Looks Like
What a Bookmobile Visit to an Apartment Looks Like
What a Bookmobile Visit to a Special Event Can Look Like
What a Bookmobile Visit to a Bright Beginnings Playgroup Looks Like
The Bookmobile is Ready to Roll. Where Would You Like to See it Go?
KDL Bookmobile celebrates five years of providing access to the library.