KDL Partners with Four Municipalities to Expand Rockford Branch

Agreement Provides Flexible, Creative Framework to Grow Without Additional Expense to Residents

Kent District Library has partnered with four municipalities in northern Kent County in an agreement that paves the way for the expansion of the Krause Memorial (Rockford) Branch Library.

The City of Rockford and the Townships of Algoma, Cannon and Courtland recently partnered with KDL in signing a memo of understanding that provides a flexible and creative framework to address the space constraints in the Krause Memorial Library. The branch, which serves residents in all four communities, has the highest use per square foot of any of 20 libraries in the KDL system but expansion plans have stalled over the years.

“By collaborating with KDL, we have been able to accomplish a tax cut for residents in our four communities who use the library,” said Steve Grimm, the Cannon Township supervisor who led discussions between the five stakeholders to reach the agreement. “KDL agreed to lower its millage and will work cooperatively on the expansion project of the library, which is much more likely to succeed working together.”

Under the agreement, KDL will provide support for the proposed expansion, including:

  • Contributing toward the cost of fundraising to expand the Krause Memorial Library.
  • Collaborating with the city and three townships on design plans for the expansion.
  • Increasing the amount of staffing, physical collection and services for the larger branch, if approved by voters.

The library system plans to ask Kent County voters for a renewal of its millage in 2024. As part of this agreement, KDL will reduce the millage ask from its current 1.28 mills to 1.1 mills district-wide.

“We look forward to working collaboratively with Rockford and the townships of Algoma, Cannon and Courtland to provide a cost-effective path to expand the library without adding additional expense to residents,” said KDL Executive Director Lance Werner. “The Krause Branch remains one of the most popular and well-used in our system. We are glad to have come up with a solution that leads to this much-needed expansion.”

Specific plans and costs for the expansion have yet to be determined. Progressive AE has been retained to begin an analysis of the current facility, which will evaluate needs for space and programming and suggest probable costs. Residents in all four communities will have the opportunity to share their input via public engagement sessions.

A 2017 feasibility study recommended the expansion of the Krause Memorial Library. But as Rockford City Manager Thad Beard noted, it kept “coming down to funding constraints.” Rockford is responsible for the building and maintenance of the branch while KDL provides staffing, collections and programming. Township residents in Algoma, Cannon and Courtland pay to use the library but don’t contribute to the facility’s maintenance or upkeep, which falls solely to Rockford.

“We have appreciated the opportunity to brainstorm with KDL and work creatively to arrive at a solution that enables us to have a new addition to the library at no additional cost to taxpayers,” Beard said. “We are pleased KDL has partnered with us, and we look forward to getting started on the process.”

Matt McConnon, supervisor of Courtland Township, agreed, noting, “Our community has approved the agreement, and we look forward to collaborating with KDL and our neighboring community on this project, which benefits us all.”

Kevin Green, supervisor of Algoma Township, added, “We are pleased to join our neighbors and KDL to work collaboratively on the expansion of the Krause Memorial Library.”

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