2024-2026 Strategic Plan

2024-2026 Strategic Plan

This strategic plan outlines our purpose, vision, 3-year business goals, annual operational initiatives and core values. It serves as a lens to assess all ideas and determine priorities.

These strategic goals were set as a way to actively live out our core values: to be an inclusive, authentic, positive, courageous and helpful presence in each of the communities we serve. Successfully living out our core values ultimately helps us to achieve our purpose: to further all people.

Core Values

Values are at the heart of culture. They reflect who we are and what we stand for.

  • INCLUSIVE - Engaging all people through kindness, empathy and love.
  • AUTHENTIC - Being true to those we serve and ourselves, and forging meaningful, whole-hearted connections.
  • POSITIVE - Assuming the best in others and believing anything is possible.
  • COURAGEOUS - Daring to do what is right.
  • HELPFUL - Serving others with a sincere passion.

How do we determine the focal points for the strategic plan?

  • Surveying and actively listening to patrons and partners.
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Inter- and intra-industry trend research.
  • Strength/Weakness/Opportunity/Threat (SWOT) analyses.
  • Projects proposed by staff, community partners and the people we serve.
  • Known issues.
  • Data that informs decisions.

Quarterly Updates

Follow our progress with these quarterly updates.


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