KDL Receives Priceless Partner Award from Affinity Mentoring

We are so pleased to be the recipient of the 2021 Priceless Partner Award from Affinity Mentoring. What an honor!

Affinity Mentoring partners with local businesses, organizations and schools to match students in K-8th grade with a caring adult role model to journey alongside them one hour a week. Several KDL staff members serve as mentors and KDL provides one hour of paid time per week for these mentoring sessions.

KDL also partnered with Affinity Mentoring to provide hotspots to families who were missing mentoring or virtual school due to Internet issues.

"I  keep a constantly moving bag of hotspots at my house that we drop off on porches as soon as we hear that Internet has gone out, can’t be paid or isn’t strong enough for all of the members of the household to work," said Cassandra Kiger, Executive Director of Affinity Mentoring. "This is because your team went ahead and helped us apply for an organizational card, and we are now able to check out hotspots on behalf of families and deliver them with no additional barriers. We’ve heard from both mentors and parents that this has been a game changer."

Thank you Affinity Mentoring for this special award!