Get to Know KDL: Liz from the Amy Van Andel Library

Meet Liz! She's a youth-focused Branch Librarian and has been with KDL for 15 years. She calls the Ada Branch her home now, but she has worked at Plainfield, Gaines Twp. and the Service Center! 

She wrangles storytimes, hosts youth programs, visits schools and talks books with everyone!

"I believe I have the best job ever," Liz said. "I laugh every single day, I get high fives from chubby toddler hands, and I work with amazing, talented people!"
Let's get to know Liz a little bit better...

If I had a day all to myself, I would spend my time… walking my dog Mayzie in the sunshine while listening to an audiobook.
The best advice I have ever received is… the days are long, but the years are short. It's what I heard when my kids were little, but it still makes me stop and appreciate the day-to-day frenzy that is being a youth librarian!
When I was a child, I wanted to grow up to be… a teacher who is also a ballet dancer.
Three things I couldn’t live without are… coffee, a sense of humor and googly eyes.
If I ever wrote a book, it would be called… "I'm Probably Going to Be Late."
My proudest accomplishment is… raising three kind humans with my husband, Jeff.
The best thing about my job is... seeing Babytime babies turn into Storytime kids, then visiting them at school outreach. I love that I get to be a part of their journey! Also, all the singing and dancing. And the bubbles, too.