City of Grand Rapids Planning Commission, opens a new window
- 300 Monroe Ave NW, Grand Rapids, opens a new window
- 616-456-3000
The Right Place, opens a new window
Training and Mentoring
ELEVATE Minority Business, opens a new window
- 250 Monroe Ave NW, Grand Rapids, opens a new window
- 616-771-0303
Spring GR, opens a new window
Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women (GROW), opens a new window
Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), opens a new window
- 111 Pearl St NW, Grand Rapids, opens a new window
- 616-771-0305
Grand Angels, opens a new window
- 37 Ottawa Ave, Suite 200 Grand Rapids
- 616-566-1770
Incubation and Co working Space
Downtown Market - Incubator Kitchen, opens a new window
- 435 Ionia Ave SW, Grand Rapids, opens a new window
- 616-805-5308 ext. 206
The Factory, opens a new window
- 77 Monroe Center St NW, Suite 600, Grand Rapids
- 616-379-9377